Interview with Virgil Brewster

Today’s newsletter I will share:

  • A curated list of places to launch your startup for free

  • A list of business ideas in the Saas niche

  • 2 articles of the week on the indie business world

  • An interview for everyone who wants to start selling online courses

Let’s see:

Interview with Virgil Brewster

Virgil Brewster is a consultant for course creators, he has run a successful $10m course business.

In this interview, Girgil shares with us his tools, resources and ideas about how he is working as a consultant for others who want to create a course business.

I hope you enjoy the interview:

Hi, Virgil! Who are you and what are you working on? Which is your business?

I’m Virgil Brewster Living in Bali with my dog Bumi and my girlfriend Mariska.

I am an investor, serial entrepreneur, and course creator.

On Twitter, I help serious entrepreneurs launch and sell their courses.

What's your story and how did you come up with the idea of starting this?

After running a successful $10m course business it was time for something else.

I was already investing in real estate and Crypto.

So I started to hang out on Twitter.

At first to talk to my crypto friends. I had so much fun that I decided to go all in on Twitter.

People started asking what I did for a living.

I explained to them about my course businesses.

People wanted to learn more.

That’s how I rolled into consulting for course creators.

How did you go from idea to execution?

The execution was easy. I build my audience through relationships and invested in programs to become a better writer.

Improving my writing led to relationships with the biggest creators in the Twitter space.

Which are your marketing strategies to grow your business?

My strategy is to bring people from Twitter to my email list.

I use an auto DM software called Hivoe for that.

When somebody follows me, they get a funny welcome message. I invite them to join my email list.

On the email list, I’ll build a relationship with them and eventually, I sell consulting or a course.

Do you work alone or do you have employees?

I have a PA that helps me with the tasks I’m really bad at.

How are you doing today and what are your goals for the future?

I think the future is to invest in great creators and grow their businesses.

Since starting your journey, what has been your main lessons?

The main lesson is that you have to start. Don’t think too much.

And invest in yourself.

What were the biggest challenges you faced and obstacles you overcame?

The biggest challenge is always in my mind.

It stops many entrepreneurs in their tracks.

Meditation and coaching helped me. A lot.

If you had the chance of doing only one thing differently, what would it be?

I would have started sooner building a personal brand and an email list.

Something interesting: How to build a personal brand

What are other sources of learning you would recommend for entrepreneurs who are just starting?

Virgil's advice is really clear: Get a mentor. That’s the fastest way of growing your business.

What tools and resources do you recommend?

I recommend an audio pen. You record your thoughts on a voice app and AI writes a summary of the audio. Great way to capture ideas.

Where can we go to learn more about you and your work?

You can find me on Twitter: @Thevirgilbrew

And on my website:

I hope this has been useful for you. You can follow me on Twitter as @fintiux

I appreciate all the feedback, feel free to answer this email with your ideas.